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Controlling the Covid-19 Pandemic in Namibia

Published: 2021-11-19 10:06:00

We are pleased to announce that Ndatara Surveys have partnered with the Robert Koch Institute in Germany and the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) in Namibia in the study titled ‘Controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in Namibia’.

We are interested in why some people in the community are interested in getting a vaccine against COVID-19 and why others are not. We are also interested in why some people have decided to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and why. This information will greatly help the MOHSS to better understand and communicate about the benefits and risks of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The survey is accessible at the following link: Controlling the COVID-19 pandemic in Namibia; and it can be completed in English, Afrikaans, Oshindonga or German. It will take approximately 20-30 minutes of your time to complete. The closing date for the survey is 5 December 2021.

The survey is best completed on a computer or tablet, but can also be completed via your smart phone. You would be asked some basic questions about yourself (ex. age, gender education) as well as questions about your health and opinions of the COVID-19 vaccine. In order to thank you for your time we will send you a N$10 mobile phone credit recharge voucher. The recharge voucher is only redeemable for completed surveys.

We will also conduct a raffle game when the entire data collection is finished to show our gratitude for your participation and one winner will be selected, winning a voucher worth N$500. You will be entitled to join this draw if you have subscribed with Ndatara Surveys. If you would like to subscribe, click here.

It is important for you to know that the study is completely voluntary. You can stop at any point and do not have to answer every question. What you tell us will be kept private and is difficult for another person to trace back to you. If you are interested in taking part in the survey you will find more information about the research study on our website https://ndatara.com/news/. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact Ndatara Surveys at +264 818555557.